“During the 13 weeks I lost 13kg in total and got in the best shape I had ever been, a massive improvement compared to the photoshoot the year before.”
David wanted to prepare for his 2nd photoshoot.
He was struggling with his health and energy levels and not prioritising sleep and recovery. So he decided to sign up for online coaching with me to guide him through the process.
In the first 6 weeks I avoided dieting David. I made it our mission to improve habits, lifestyle, and health factors. This would make it easier for both of us to drive for that lower body fat % in the latter stage of the prep.
This approach is typically referred to as a ‘priming phase’, and when done correctly, you can yield the best outcome without the extreme costs that comes with dieting to low level body fat.
Even though the goal was to get as lean as possible for the photoshoot, it was achieved by aligning his health goals with his physical goals.
“I’ve seen massive progress in my resting heart rate and HRV. My sleep improved from 4- 5hrs per night to 6-8hrs so my recovery and energy got much better which made work and training a lot easier. My confidence and willpower have been taken to a new level now, and my mindset of thinking it was normal to be tired all the time has completely changed and I feel much better for it, at work and in everyday life.”
I believe that a healthy body progresses much better than an unhealthy body, and this result is the embodiment of that.
David’s work ethic also impressed me. At no point did he search for excuses, he knew we had a plan, and he knew he was ready to execute it.
In total, David lost 13kg in 13 weeks, got into his best shape EVER for the photoshoot. But he also now feels more confident as a PT and said:
“My knowledge has improved which has helped me progress my own clients further, and my overall online coaching service has improved after being a client and receiving top level coaching. I also now feel more confident as a PT and online coach after learning from Jack. The way that I now train has completely changed - My exercise selection has improved, and I now train smarter, with less weight and more focus on tempo and contraction.