You might be thinking - “Jack, surely you can’t put your own result on here?”

I’m actually very proud of this result I achieved. Not because of the shape I was in, or the fact I’m really happy with the photos.

It’s because I actually prepped myself through this diet, without another coach holding me accountable.


Coming out of a hell of a year with the Covid pandemic… The majority of 2020 had been a fairly low standard of training and I personally struggled to motivate myself during lockdown. However, with the 2021 lockdown, I was determined not to make the same mistakes. Having access to a closed, private facility, I pursued training relentlessly to feel like the fighting-fit coach I wanted to be. I also realised during this time, that I was besotted with my partner, and wanted to wife her up.

I’m a big believer on aligning your goals to the position you find yourself in, so that you don’t chase the unattainable. For this reason, I knew 2022 was going to be a huge year for personal growth, with a wedding on the horizon and the property-buying process around the corner too.

This was it, the perfect ‘calm before the storm’ moment for me to commit fully to my physique goals and see what I could accomplish…


I was lucky to have an incredibly supportive gym environment, and at home I was living with my colleague - another excellent personal trainer.

So where were the challenges?

To hold yourself to a higher standard, even when no-one is looking, is incredibly difficult. Most of us out-source our motivation and accountability to another coach when we want to achieve something big. But not this time.

The challenge was self-determined. To undergo a process for me, without the additional outsourcing. To not second-guess every change I made to my own food.

“Am I going too soft on myself…? Do I really need this refeed…?”

14 weeks later, and 14kg off my frame, I was photoshoot ready. I learned how I’m capable of so much more than I give myself credit for. I learned that you can be incredibly productive when you make your physical goals the epicentre of your life. And I learned that something the rigidity in your diet, can be the exact thing you need to maintain a positive relationship with food (a story for another time).
